National Rifle Association
WSSA members that are interested in becoming a new NRA member, or renewing their current NRA membership can do so by clicking on the NRA logo here or by going to the Protecting Your Freedom page. By joining the NRA through WSSA using this link, you will save $10.00 off the regular dues price of NRA membership.
Friends of the National Rifle Association Banquets:
If you would like to receive information about York, Cumberland, or Dauphin county banquets, email us and we will get you the information when it becomes available.
National Rifle Association membership and the Eddie Eagle program:
For information about having Eddie Eagle attend your youth event, email WSSA.
Sights Practical Shooters
Sights Practical Shooters is an IDPA affiliated club. We practice every Thursday night at West Shore Sportsmen's Assoc. from 6PM to 9PM. Practice is a mix of basic shooting drills and small indoor stages similar to what would be seen at an IDPA match.
Membership in Sights is easy: Come out and shoot, come out and work. All skill levels are welcome. Contact Dave Hawbecker at sightsmd@gmail.com
More Information
Civilian Marksmanship Program
West Shore Sportsmen's Association is an affiliated club with the Civilian Marksmanship Program.
If you need proof of membership for CMP purchases, please contact the membership secretary and request a letter of membership. Please include your access card number in the email.
Firearms Research and Instruction
FR&I offers firearms (primarily handgun) training courses throughout the United States, as well as abroad. We instruct law enforcement officers, security guards, as well as the general public.
You'll feel safer and more comfortable knowing that you can protect yourself and your loved ones. With training and equipment from Rangemaster, you can provide yourself the safest and most effective means of defense against a violent attack.
More information.